The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125438   Message #2778312
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
02-Dec-09 - 06:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Sackings at the Tower
Subject: RE: BS: Sackings at the Tower
Amazing, isn't it? Somebody holds a door open for lizziecornish and all's well with the world. This, I imagine, is because her vision is so obscured by the eye glitter and batting eyelashes that she remains wholly unaware of the legions, the "monstrous regiments" of pioneers who, for decades passed, have pushed tirelessly against the virtual swing doors of patriarchy to achieve the social, employment and political rights that she accepts thoughtlessly today as though they just fell from the sky.

Moira Cameron was the first woman to achieve appointment to a job that she really wanted and was eminently qualified to carry out. Two benighted male persons who tried and failed to bully her out of it have been sacked, according to the law and by due tribunal process. And who does lizziecornish think is right? Distasteful is far too mild a word for this muddled lack of logic.

I have very little expectation that lizziecornish will heed my reading recommendations, but for an exposition of the roots of feminism and gender equality I direct her first not to Ms Greer but to John Stuart Mill.