The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24354   Message #277918
Posted By: WyoWoman
14-Aug-00 - 11:12 PM
Thread Name: What The Best You Could Hope For?
Subject: RE: What The Best You Could Hope For?
That Emmylou Harris, Linda Ronstadt and Dolly Parton are sitting around one afternoon and suddenly one of them, probably Dolly because we're built so similar, says, "You know, grrrls, I think we need to expand our parameters a bit. How's about if we become a Quintet and ask that WyoWoman to come sing with us and see if we can get that Mary Black gal from Ireland to come over and harmonize, too?" And Emmylou and Linda say, "Whoo-hoo. And we can have our studio musicians all be Mudcateers, starting with that swoony Chanteyranger on fiddle, right?" And Dolly says "Oh, absolutely. And we'll have that darlin' Peter T. write the copy and Alice will do us up a real purty graphic for the CD Cover..."

And on at least one song I do a real pretty, slow yodel and Escamillo doesn't cover his ears with his paws ...

La Wyo