The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2779211
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
03-Dec-09 - 01:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
Carol and Little Hawk(yo-ho),

If I cause damage to someone, then it is my responsibility to make it right. So, I carry insurance for that, as per aforementioned. I expect the same from my fellow man(the 'do unto others" thing) I carry liability insurance. It is also the law, that if one does not want to carry liability, that you must have the means to cover damages you cause to anyone else, you cause injury to, either physical, or property. This can be done far cheaper, if you bought a bond, for 'X' amount, to match whatever you think an insurance policy would cover, and if you caused no one any damage, or if there is no claim against you, by the time the bond matures, you can cash it in, and keep it...then buy another bond for a fraction of the maturation value of the bond. 'Municipal AAA' bonds are the best for that.(Just in case you'd want to know).

But that aside, I've said, now multiple times, that I AM in favor, of some sort of Health Care Bill, that would cover medical, for those who are in need of it. Along with that, I am in favor, of some different rules, for insurance companies, that needlessly drive up the cost of health coverage, and for doctors, NOT to run up the cost of providing heath care...just because they can get more, from the insurance companies! That viscous cycle is the leading factor of making health cost go through the roof, along with lawyers and frivolous the same time, doctors must be held accountable, not to perform shoddy, or unnecessary procedures.

I am not in favor of government bureaucrats, making medical decisions, where politics can be an influencing factor, in you getting the help you may need. I have VERY LITTLE confidence in the competency, of government agencies running things well, or cost effective!

But, what I can do, is take care of myself as best I can, and not dump that burden on someone else, for every little notion of dis-ease. What I eat, for instance plays way more into your physical health, than you may imagine. Being alkaline, is huge! Not taking reckless risks with your body, is another(though in that subject, one man's ceiling is another man's floor).

I'm against government funded abortions, unless there is a life threatening situation, and possibly rape, incest yadda radda cradda. In other words, the public should not have to pay, for little 'Janie' to abort her fetus, because she was too loose. If a woman has the right to control, over her own body, then control herself BEFORE she jumps in the sack with a 'bozo'! Perhaps if she addressed her priorities, she would not need an abortion. People's reproductive organs are not toys, or tools, to reassure one's 'desirability'. Now I'm sure that will bring squawks, but, too bad...and a bunch of 'what ifs'...but by in large, I think women certainly have the 'right' and obligation' to get their shit together, regarding this. MEN, nobody gives you the right, to use another woman's body, to scratch a passing itch, and not take responsibility, for the things you put into motion by that, both physically, and emotionally..then just walk away! UP YOURS!!

Any government program, to be executed well, must leave open, consequences to the public, for stupid behavior. You put your hand in the get to the government doc, fix it, then go out and burn your hand again?? I know that is a simplified example, but there are those out there, who are just plain simpletons, who screw it up, for everyone else! You want five abortions??...fuck you!
You want the public to pay for liposuction?...Breast augmentations?..face lifts?? ..tummy tucks??...Try developing your character, instead! The other problems will more than likely take care of themselves!

Now, instead of getting indignant, and arguing things that you feel you're entitled to, think of somewhere, in your life, that you can end some sort of self-destructive behavior to yourself....then, let's talk.