The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2779538
Posted By: olddude
03-Dec-09 - 10:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
What amazes me is people think this has something truly to do with Religion, It doesn't

It has to do with hate and the masks evil people use to divided and spread their hate.   

Your hatred for people of faith makes you a victim falling into their hands. Painting with a broad brush to generalize people without the least bit of understanding what faith is.

Hitler was very successful in convincing the whole of Germany that all evils that befell the German people were cause by the Jews. Use whatever popular mask to spread the hate. That is what hate does.

Church groups that do amazing wonderful things, never get the press never, only the hate groups that use the false label of Christian get the press so everyone like many here can blame and generalize the "Christians" are the cause of it all. And many of the TV guys get their evil press by preaching hate knowning nothing of God.

True Christian people are easy targets ... and it amazes me how so many people buy into the message without the least bit of understanding. Go ahead and label, but from my perspective.

If you wish to make a true change in the world, if you want to make life better for everyone. Do what I try to do every day. "FIND THE HATE THAT LIVES IN OURSELVES" WHATEVER THAT HATE MAYBE AND GET RID OF IT. then and only then can we try to remove the hate from others.

Hate is in all forms, people who say the immigrants are taking our jobs, the minorities are crossing over to take our land. Yada yada, all hate all of it wrong, now it is the Christians are trying to kill people ....   fact is evil is evil pure and simple, any means especially popular ones will be used to justify evil