The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125509   Message #2779550
Posted By: Charley Noble
03-Dec-09 - 10:22 AM
Thread Name: Origin of Traditional Tune 'To Morrow'
Subject: Origin of Traditional Tune "Train To Morrow'
No, I'm not interested in the lyrics in this thread, which have been tracked back in Mudcat threads to Lew Sully, 1898, and reworked later in 1957 by Bob Gibson et al. But the melody that Gibson uses seems like an Irish/Australian tune to me which I just can't quite place. I'd like to know if anyone has a clue where it came from because I'm planning to adapt an old Australian poem for singing and I'd like to provide a proper credit.

For some reason the town of "Killarney" pops up in my head but none of the songs I've found here have the right melody. There does seem to be some similarity to the verse melody of "I'm a Rover an' Seldom Sober" with the A-part of "Train to Morrow" but the B-part of this song seems unique.

Anyway, I would appreciate help.

Charley Noble