The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2779918
Posted By: MGM·Lion
03-Dec-09 - 04:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
"should not only be opposed by individuals but also opposed (more importantly) by governments. Aid, trade, allowed travel from these countries should be stopped until these laws are dropped.">>> writes Astro above.

An attractive argument; but it has always been a principle in diplomacy among nations that 'internal affairs' must be left to develop as the governments concerned see fit. We continue to maintain diplomatic relations & to trade with, e.g., SaudiArabia, who stoned a Princess [no less] to death for adultery not long since; regularly publicly amputate the hands of thieves; publicly flog blasphemers & fornicators of both sexes; behead those who abandon the faith··· Governments, by longstanding convention, do not interfere or sanction in such instances. How shall Uganda's proposed new laws be treated any differently without invidiousness?

This is not to imply that I don't think their proposals appalling. I do. But it seems to me that the situation is not as simple as many might wish, & these points need to be made.