The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24301   Message #278109
Posted By: Ella who is Sooze
15-Aug-00 - 08:44 AM
Thread Name: AAAARGH!!!!
Subject: RE: AAAARGH!!!!
Oh my, how did I forget Cockroaches.... They make me ill.

And I hope to never ever encounter any more thankyou very much. If I ever had them in any house I was in, I think I would be sleepless, sitting there with a big bat, going thump crunch splat.

And Little Hawk.... It happens to be gerbils and rats.

Gerbils, because I looked after a neighbours one once, and it bit me hard.

Rats - erghhhhhhhhhhh

Mice/ Voles awww cute

and hamsters v.cute but smelly.

eeeeewwwwwwwwwww roaches...

blurgh heck blurgh heck - and lepus, I think that for having a pet roach, you border on the one sick human title for that one....

keels over at the thought of it...
