The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4961   Message #27811
Posted By: Barry Finn
08-May-98 - 10:21 PM
Thread Name: Feedback please
Subject: Lyr Add: You Wouldn't Know It to Look at Me^^
I've heard (& it's very true) that having a special needs child is in a sense, like planing all your life to move to a tropical paradise, you've been reading about all your life to find out more, you tell everyone how great this is going to be, your excited to the max, you step on the airplane bringing along your whole world, the plane lands, you get out with a huge smile, you're shocked, you landed in Alaska & was told this where you'll be living from now on, it's a great place, the scenery is beautiful & everyone's so nice, it's not a bad place, it's just not what you've planed. Any way here's the song to the tune of "I'm Awkward As A New Chum", I'll never be able to perform it, I can't even get through reading it to my wife, so I'm looking here for a response, Thanks.

You're not listening to me, are you deaf in both ears
You don't see what you've caused, have you been blind all these years
Can you at least give an answer, so I know you're not dumb
For Christ sakes' you bird brain, has a cat got you're tounge

I'm as cute as all the other kids
I can run, jump & shout
You wouldn't know it to look at me
At times I can't work things out
I'm not stupid, I'm not lazy, I try very hard
With just a little compassion I could go pretty far

Well, school is a tourture, the teasting won't quit
I can't keep my thoughts on track, so my aide has a fit
You see some things I excell in, so much that I'm bored
You wouldn't know it to look at me, it took all I was worth
The kids all scorn & laugh at me, I don't have a friend
You should feel my heart break, I wonder when this will end
The mistreatment & abuse I take, it should be a crime
But I'm told to ignore it, it happens all of the time
I know it's hard on my family, I can't change a thing
My Aunts & Uncles blame it on my folks & say it's poor upbringing
All the love & affection, you hear about all the time
I only hear people yell at me, when all I ask is where's mine
I never feel comforted, no shoulder, no hug
A system that once supported me, has been pulled out like a rug
If you can't see or hear this, you may worst off than me
But I won't hold it against you, cause you're deaf & can't see
I could be mildy autistic or just plain O.C.
I may twitch with Tourett's, or just have A.D.D.
If you see me cross my eyes, instead of my T's
You wouldn't know it to look at me, that I have special needs
Thanks for any constructive criticism. Barry