The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2781855
Posted By: Don Firth
06-Dec-09 - 12:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
In answer to GfS's latest spasm about same-sex orientation be a matter of choice, I reiterate a paragraph from one of my posts above:
"Although the actual gene may not have been found yet, it is patently obvious that there is a genetic factor involved in gender orientation. It may be that the gene is being looked for in the wrong place. It is quite possible that the crucial gene (or combination of genes) is carried by the mother of a male who grows up to be homosexual. All fetuses start out as female, and those destined to be male (with the Y chromosome) need to receive an infusion of the necessary hormones at the appropriate time in the fetus's development. If the mother does not produce the necessary hormones at the appropriate time, or if the production of the hormones is insufficient, the child is born with a male body (the Y chromosome), but with some of the characteristics—including gender orientation—of a female."
Boys who turn out to be gay often tend to display atypical behavior for boys long before puberty occurs and before they have any knowledge of or interest in sex.


Whether you know what it was historically called or not, Ake, "spontaneous generation" is the belief that certain organisms can be generated by non-living matter or by decaying matter. After a pile of garbage sat somewhere for even a brief time, rats and mice, flies and all sorts of other bugs would appear. Somehow it didn't seem to occur to many—including, amazingly enough, Aristotle—that the vermin were attracted to the garbage, not generated by it. They believed that such vermin were spontaneously generated by the garbage.

As cockamamie as this idea was, it was genererally believed until well after the Renaissance (note that Hamlet, feigning madness, cautions Polonius to not let his daughter walk in the sun, for ". . . if the sun breed maggots in a dead dog. . . ."), and even though many "natural historians" (early scientists) called it into question, it was finally shown, once and for all, to be bogus in 1859 by Louis Pasteur.

If two men who do not carry the AIDS virus have homosexual relations, neither of them will contract AIDS as a result. That simply does not happen.

Ake, whether you know what the concept is called or not, your constant harping on statistics that purport to indicate that homosexual activity by itself can bring about the sudden appearance of the AIDS virus is obviously what you mean to convey.

And it is BOGUS, Ake, and your know it. Even if you don't know what to call it.

Join the 21st century.

Don Firth