The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2782420
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Dec-09 - 06:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Speaking of meeting real people...I've known at least three openly homosexual men back when I was living in Toronto. One was a interesting guy who had a long career in the folk-rock field, played in a band backing Dylan once, and we shared a common interest in model aircraft. I don't think he was looking around much for a monogamous relationship. He played the field.

Another guy was living in a rooming house where I rented for awhile. Again, very interesting guy, terrific conversationalist, but I think he was playing the field too as far as I know.

The third guy was an artist, a good friend for many years, and a very bright and amusing character. Again, he seemed to pretty much play the field as far as I could see. He died young of some illness. I don't know if it was AIDS or what it was, but I heard from mutual friends that he had passed away.

I draw no particular conclusions from the above, I'm just recounting my own direct personal acquaintances with friends who were openly homosexual. They didn't try to hide it from anyone, and it didn't create any problems between them and me and the general circle of people I knew at the time.

I've also known a handful of women who were lesbians. Again, it simply wasn't a problem. Not for me, anyway. Maybe for their parents? I can't say.