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Thread #125553   Message #2783013
Posted By: Mysha
07-Dec-09 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: 'Old Christmas' January 6th
Subject: RE: 'Old Christmas' January 6th

No, I didn't forget about the Twelve Days of Christmas; I just needed a solid date first:

Of course, if Old Christmas and Epiphany fall on the same date, you can't tell whether the Twelve Days count the days between the two dates of Christmas or between Christmas and Epiphany. However, the concept of the twelve days already appears in In Those Twelve Days, published in 1625. As that's before Great Britain accepted the new calender, there was no Old Christmas at that time. And to be absolutely certain: Even countries that did use the Gregorian calender couldn't have had Twelve Days between the two dates of Christmas at the time, as in the 17th century the error was only 10 days. So, the Twelve Days of Christmas definitely represent the span of days from Christmas to Epiphany.

The song In Those Twelve Days, BTW, is the actual song counting One Christ, Two Testaments, and so on. Those that are trying to convert every Internet user to the belief that this can be read in "... My True Love Gave to Me ..." are looking at the wrong lyrics.

Leeneia, I usually go visit the people I didn't see the night before, but I can understand the sentiment. Well, In Those Twelve Days would be up to Eight Beatitudes by that day, if you need to characterise the day. Then again, in some areas the First of January is the first day the Sternsinger are active. These "Star singers" are groups of three singers, (today) children dressed as the three kings following a star they carry on a stick, going from door to door singing Three Kings' songs, and other songs of the season, for which they are rewarded with sweets etc..So, you could make it Star Singers Day.

Then: Some of you may have noticed I did not mention the outrage in Great Britain about the eleven lost days. There's a simple reason for that: There's no proof that there was any.

And finally, since we've now passed the earliest of the celebrations, Saint Nicholas Day, I'd like to wish the readers of this thread a festive season.
