The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4961   Message #27831
Posted By: Helen
09-May-98 - 08:03 AM
Thread Name: Feedback please
Subject: RE: Feedback please
Hi all
Firstly, the tune is PRETTY POLLY PERKINS OF PADDINGTON GREEN, and the tune and lyrics are in the DT database, if you search for [Polly Perkins]

The song that Barry referred to is called: One of the Has-beens

It's an Australian shearing song, and is from the point of view of an old man who used to be the best shearer in the sheds, i.e. the ringer, but now he is old and has lost most of his shearing prowess. So, it's an appropriate tune to use for Barry's song, I think.

I have a friend, a single Mum, who has a 6 year old son with special needs - intellectual challenges which originate from physiological problems, which the specialists say *could* be genetically based, but they really don't know. I can relate to the words Barry has written because it's difficult to say at this stage what sort of life this kid is going to have when he gets older. It's difficult to know what his capabilities will be, and what his *understanding* of his abilities and differences will be. He is a sunny, happy child a lot of the time, but not all the time, but it is a strain for him, his Mum, and his teachers trying to find the best ways to teach him what he needs to know in his daily life. It's a strain on his Mum just keeping up with the visits to the specialists, and especially keeping her balance and cool in negotiating with the professionals and teachers just to give him a fair go in life.

When/if you record this song I'd like to get a copy of it and give it to them both, so please keep us posted if you do record it.


One of the Has-beens

I'm one of the has beens a shearer I mean
I once was a ringer and I used to shear clean
I could make the wool roll off like the soil from the plough
But you may not believe me for I cant do it now

I'm as awkward as a new chum and I'm used to the frown
That the boss often shows me saying keep them blades down

I've shore with Pat Hogan, Bill Bright and Jack Gunn
Tommy Leighton Charlie Fergus and the great roaring Dunn
They brought from the Lachlan the best they could find
But not one among them could leave me behind

It's no use complaining I'll never say die
Though the days of fast shearing for me have gone by
I'll take the world easy shear slowly and clean
And I merely have told you just what I have been


Printed in Stewart and Keesing Old Bush Songs with the note: "From Mrs G.L.Ginns, of Merrylands, NSW". (Written by Robert Stewart) From the singing of A.L.Lloyd, who writes on the notes for Across the Western Plains that he heard it in Cowra, NSW when he was working there in the 1920's. Tune 'Pretty Polly Perkins'