The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125645   Message #2783690
Posted By: Mrrzy
08-Dec-09 - 09:21 AM
Thread Name: Updating 'what are little girls made of'
Subject: Updating 'what are little girls made of'
Couldn't sleep the other night and this kinda sprang into my mind, full-grown from my brain, I guess; I wrote most of it down before some disappeared... so this is what I reconstructed, feel free to do better!

I am sure most of you know the original song, which I should have looked up so I could put the blicky here, but for the rest, I'll write out the whole first verse, and the others all follow the same pattern. Only *the phrases between the stars* change for each verse.
So, here it is:

What are *little girls* made of, made of?
What are *little girls* made of?
They're made of *Barbies and nannies*
And *unspanked fannies*
That's what *little girls* are made of.

... little boys... sports team borders... attention disorders...
... young women... shaved what's-in-pants... plastic implants...
... young men... tats, pierced nipples... Rohypnol tipples...
... old women... Bingo and Botox... varicose vein socks...
... old men... chick checks, matey ... work past 80...
... little babies... barfs and tinkles... old Churchill's wrinkles...

And there you have it. What my brain was doing to pop this out to me is still unclear, I was just trying to go to sleep!