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Thread #125426   Message #2784208
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
08-Dec-09 - 07:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Funny how Don, TIA, and a lot of their fellow clowns throw the word 'homophobe' around so freely. You claim to want 'tolerance' for homosexuals, but have NONE for those who prefer the traditional nuclear family, but want to 'imitate' them, in you supposed 'same gender' family 'structure'. This has nothing to do with the well-being of children; this is more like using them as 'props', for two dysfunctional 'adults' pretending to play house!!! In light of that, being slandered with 'homophobe' or 'bigot', should maybe be reserved for those who call homosexuals 'fagots', or 'fudge-packers'...and nobody has called them that on here and certainly not me!..nor Akenaton, for all I can remember. So, who is the two faced hypocrite???? You can't have it both ways, but I don't think you can see it both ways. You can't even be honest enough with yourself to be objective, and look for truth, that doesn't fit into your preconceived notion of the hypocritical political crap you subscribe to!

When I answered Smedley, it was meant to point out that there is MORE to relationships, than scratching each others sex drive itches. But thanks to the narrow mindedness of the defenders of hypocrisy, you turned it into something else, so you could champion your folly, instead of addressing what was said or meant. WHAT A SORRY LOT!!!
Don is already renowned for that very tactic, and has been called on it repeatedly....but he doesn't learn, from past mistakes, which, by the way, is a classic symptom of a psychotic! Look it up for yourself!

And yes, I am a counselor, and one thing I've known through the years of doing it, is the denser of the two, is the one who can't see him or herself as part of the problem, and uses that tactic to refuse to take responsibility. Instead, its rationalize, and justify, rationalize and more justification.....EXACTLY WHAT'S GOING ON HERE WITH THE USUAL VILLAGE IDIOTS! GET A CLUE, AND LOOK FOR TRUTH, objectively, AND IF IT SHEDS LIGHT, ON ONE OF YOUR PRECONCEIVED BIASES, THEN POSSIBLE CONSIDER CHANGING YOUR MIND IN LIGHT OF NEW INFORMATION!!!!!

In other words, to quote John Belushi, "WISE UP!" yourselves, instead of 'dumbing' down all around you, so you can 'feel' accepted' and comfortable!!!

....But then, after all, you are the products of political propaganda!