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Thread #125426   Message #2784296
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
08-Dec-09 - 10:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
DonFirst:"And it's not politics, it's ethics. You've heard of it..haven't you?"

Well, I'm GLAD you brought that up! station manager!

When you decided what to broadcast, was it for ratings, so you pandered to your local demographic(like on here), or was there an actual ETHIC, in bringing the best you could bring?????

Being as you're up in the Washington state area, known for being pathetically 'liberal' above being logical, I guess you could peddle whatever mindless bullshit you could, saying it in any quasi-'hip' way, and get applauded for being 'on top of the story'....even if you sacrificed the FULL story, to appease your listening audience! Same with music...didn't you play a lot of commercial crap, so you could charge higher advertising fees???

I think you'd say ANYTHING to assure your 'popularity'(just like the business end of radio), without giving a damn, about its accuracy, taste, or lasting effects, on who is listening, ..just so long as the ratings are high, and the bucks keep coming in!!!

That's EXACTLY what you do on here...but that's all you've known to do...for years now!

Now I'm sure you'll come out with shit like how you're so 'right' like you did in that other thread, making a complete ass of yourself, in the process(which you got called on, and by others)...and how your 'station(read:computer blogging), is 'the best in the west', and how 'hip' and 'dialed in' you are. But the truth is, though you use broadcasting logic, and make things 'SOUND' like you know what you're talking about, therefore the 'host with the most', a great deal what you spout off about, on here, is complete bullshit!

You've heard myself AMONG others, point to the media, and blast it for being dishonest, corrupt, biased, and misleading..for profit..well good ol' pal...YOU ARE THE MEDIA!!! and your posts are the same mindless and almost persuasive blather, that we've all come to know about the media!!!!

Maybe you should take a commercial break, only to find out that the policies you're selling out to, the public can't afford the crap you're peddling...what are you going to do now???

Now I'm expecting to hear a broadcasted 'disclaimer', and proceed to demonize me, as you've tried so many times before, but I'm calling you on your practice, ethics, and media propaganda, that you're spewing forth, with complete abandon to any responsibility 'to its content'...( a phrase the media recites when they broadcast shit, that might be controversial, and get their listener audience's knickers in a twist, so they can say, that they're 'trying to bring all sides', in case, that audience thinks the station is actually as lame as the show they put on)...God no! don't think bad of us, we're only the radio station.(We can be lame, and get away with it).

Sorry Charlie....Don't talk to me about ethics, you 'sell out' con man for the highest bidder of advertising time!