The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2785145
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
10-Dec-09 - 01:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Well, finally!.....The thread name is, "RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?"

Actually, it could have been named, "RE: BS: Death penalty for straight families?".....Why?

Because you've done nothing but character assassinate us, all in the course of 'politically correct' liberal bias....Why?

Because you walked away from yours, and your responsibility toward yours...Why?

Because you were selfishly seeking your own capitalistic and self image, and acceptance success....Why?

Because you thought you wouldn't be so bitter....Why?

Because your bitterness blindsided you, by your selfish, self serving, mixed with good ol' greed, and, ever since, you've been bitter about those who seek it, perhaps for the right reasons(like providing for their loved ones, their families), and its hard to look back, and without excuses, and acknowledge that you screwed up.....Why?

Because you still can't admit you were wrong....Why?

Because...well, jeez, you still can't....Why?

Because you'd rather be perceived as 'right', and maybe find a new rationalization for a new excuse...Why?

Because, no matter how many people you think who are convinced you are so wise and 'right', in your heart of hearts, I think, that you think, that you know better...and if you admit to anything you were wrong in, you might have to look deeper, and admit more.

I told you I was routing for you!
Sending you positive thoughts,