The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2785572
Posted By: Don Firth
10-Dec-09 - 03:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
You're the one who's attempting the character assassination, GfS.

Not only are you a bigot, GfS, you are a vicious—but highly imaginative—liar. You're making up complete fictions about me when, in actuality, you know absolutely nothing about the reasons and motivations involved in what you keep harping on. You know nothing!

I know why you are doing this. You let your motivation for your compulsive gay-bashing slip in the Prop 8 thread ~ and I called you on it. This, of course, tossed a match into your emotional haystack, and that's why you are so frantically trying to discredit me.

Your father married and sired a number of children (including you), and then, according to you, "decided" he wanted to be gay (actually, finally admitted to himself that he was gay) and left the family to go off with a male lover. And this (quite understandably) left you feeling abandoned and very resentful of your father.

This you said yourself.

And judging from the emotionality and general vitriol of your posts, its easy to extrapolate from there.

You have expanded and extended that anger and resentment to homosexuals in general. Then—when it became known that that gender orientation is quite probably genetic, suddenly you became afraid of the genes that you are carrying and embraced the idea that gender orientation is a choice with the desperation of a drowning man clutching anything, no matter how flimsy, that might keep him afloat.

You're terrified that you might be gay. Have you have urges that you might find a bit disturbing? And how long have you been feeling these urges? Since adolescence, perhaps?

This reason for your anti-gay obsession is just a theory, of course, but you--as a counselor--will have to admit that the theory is based on sound psychological principles.

You have cited the work of Richard Cohen to support your idea that homosexuality is a matter of choice and can be cured. Cohen, a "cured homosexual" who, with no qualifications, has declared himself a therapist, attempts to "cure" his homosexual clients by, among other things, cuddling and caressing them (!!!).

You might find this clip interesting. Both video clip and the text of the interview:   HERE. The video clip cuts off early. The latter part of the interview contains some very telling stuff, so I recommend reading that in addition to watching the clip.

Physician – heal thyself! Or accept thyself!!

Don Firth