The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124798   Message #2785671
Posted By: GUEST,Bláthnaid
10-Dec-09 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: Brian O'Rourke CD: Chantal ....
Subject: RE: Brian O'Rourke CD: Chantal ....
I agree with Gráinne Wail the cheek of that John fella claiming the blessings of the saints of Ireland on his sinful shinanyguns and I bet he never done it in his life only all bravado and blasphemy such a slur on all the decent batchelors of Ireland I knew dozens of them myself good erect Godfearing men with Pioneer pins and confession every Saturday night I could have had any one of them myself only for they were looking after their aging mothers no more than myself and whats funny about attempted suicide anyway answer me that ye cant so there