The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2786808
Posted By: GUEST,mauvepink
12-Dec-09 - 08:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
I have found the following link on the internet that is more than interesting. Paedophilia and Homosexuality points to the observation generally that homosexual males are no more likely to target boys than anyone other sexuality. Homosexuality and homosexual pedophilia are very different things. The figures saying that homsosexual males make up a high percentage of paedophiles has come about erroneously in many 'studies' as the observation of them being homosexual at all is has been a self assessment. I suspect many paedophiles, given the choice of calling themselves homsosexual or an outright paedophile, will call themselves homosexual. That does not mean they are homsosexual.

Studies on the whole subject are rare and, personally, if the actual ethics of carrying out such a study could be sorted, I think it could finally dispell the mythical connection between normally orientated homosexual males and paedohilia. The figures are also messed up by the amount of men out there who are married to women but predate on young men/boys.

If you have the time try and read the whole peice as there are lots of anomalies but the important thing that comes across - that is pointed to - is that the vast majority of male homosexuals are just that. Male homosexual and not paedoophiles. It's another myth that needs getting rid of.

Lest we forget, the whole abuse thing is not just about sexual abuse either in my eyes. Sexual or physical abuse are often one and the same to a victim. Abuse is abuse. Thousands of girls have been abused in care too, which is seldom mentioned, and suffered under draconic rules and punishments.

Abuse, paedohilia and rape are all centred on power and control. The sexual aspects of some of these crimes are just one part of the whole thing. It's not always about sex but it is always about power.

On to families. Sadly, one has to remember that most abused children actually know their abuser. I think statistically the figures suggest that a child is far more at risk from someone within their family than they are from a stranger. That also goes for domestic abuse (naturally) and abuse of older people.

There is nothing liberal in these figures. What is called for is a major study into true abuse of all kinds and, far from just pointing fingers, it should be done to highlight those at risk and those most likely to commit the offence. Just appointing scapegoats is not an option and never should be.
