The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63472   Message #2787220
Posted By: GUEST,Jim H
12-Dec-09 - 10:43 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Lonely Girls (Ian & Sylvia)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lonely Girls (Ian & Sylvia)
Wow. Looks like this song is as haunting as I remember it. One thing about Ian and Sylvia guitar - you cannot come close. I figured "Red Velvet" would be a wonderful tune to sing and play solo. I dropped by my sister's place, because she had the CD, and tho' it is a great singing song, the guitar work is ASTOUNDING - impossible to play for all but seasoned vets. I can see why it would inspire someone to start playing!
When I was a kid, my mom (who got us "hooked" on I&S) laughed about Lonely Girls' lyrics, as they had no "Google" in the 60's and tried to figure out the lyrics listening to a dinosaur, known then as "monaural" (one ear - pre-stereo). A friend of my mom's was certain (keep in mind - 60's) the words were "no niggers linger by the door". This is really not a stretch. I&S were "song stylists" In the same way that Annie Lennox says "sweet dreams are made of these" (and it's really "this") or Fats Domino said "I found my freedom" (and it's really "thrill"), I&S would stretch a lyric or two.
Mom reassured us that the lyric was "no lingerer's linger by the door" (which it ALSO sounds like!!!). Another hallmark of great songwriting - the ability to confound -and delight- a listener while remaining a great song.
(Read the song title, mom.)