The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2787335
Posted By: GUEST,mauvepink
13-Dec-09 - 07:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Don... Two really good articles and discussions. Both are interesting in the extreme and I like the connection brought in with other animals as well as the twin studies.

The part about female sexuality was interesting in the first article "What Makes People Gay?". the comment "More surprising was just how different the story with women turned out to be. Most women, whether they identified as straight, lesbian, or bisexual, were significantly aroused by straight, gay, and lesbian sex" bujt no conclusion as to bisexuality being the 'norm' for females is made. It does, however, explain why women on average do not tend to stress sexuality as much as males. Women appear to have a far more fluid approach to sexuality and it is not as great a part in their make up as maybe in men. My own ideas on this has to do with women, on an evolutionary scale, having had to be far more social with each other than men have had to be on average. "On average" is a very important statement as there will always be extremes so we have to talk about 'the most in general.

Most of my female friends show a fluidity of thought on sexual matters and, to that extent, it may also be why women happily share their experiences with their partners so freely with other friends. It's merely just another subject to chat about. They really don't stress about it. Men, while they will talk to each other about sex rarely share their own sexual actions with their partners. All this said, I guess this is more to do with gender differences rather than sexuality and people being hanged for their gayness so I will try not to stray so far from the topic. What does stand out is the gender bias in research. Very few studies on female sexuality and whole rafts of them on men. This whole fascination over men and trying to explain their sexuality seems to have gripped science as much as it has other areas of human thinking/activity.

In the end I do believe science will find the whole answer and, as long as that is not used to discriminate then it is all well and good.

Thanks for pointing the articles out!
