The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4961   Message #27882
Posted By: steve t
10-May-98 - 06:32 AM
Thread Name: Feedback please
Subject: RE: Feedback please
I couldn't write a good song to save my life, but here are a few points to consider: I don't know what O.C. is. It took me about 10 seconds to figure out A.D.D. These would need to be mentioned in an intro. I love that first verse -- and though initially I thought the adult was speaking, upon re-reading, I think, hmmm, maybe the child IS thinking this AT the adult who is busy ignoring the things the child is struggling to say and that the adult doesn't understand. Alternately, could you end the song with a modified first verse echoing the child's frustration with an adult who doesn't seem to be listening? (though this would clash with the "but I won't hold it against you") Or you could just repeat the first verse unaltered. I wonder if six choruses are a good idea or would a two verse, chorus, pattern work? There are three "alls" in All the love & affection, you hear about all the time I only hear people yell at me, when all I ask is where's mine? The line that goes "you may worst off than me" might need changing to "may be worse off..." It's a difficult idea for most folkies to accept the idea that parents might not even TRY to comfort a child who disappointed them -- when I first read this I thought, Barry's got that line wrong -- it suggests the parents don't comfort the child. I thought the verse should read "nobody can comfort me..." Then I realized the parents DIDN'T try to comfort the child. Tough concept. Ditto for the idea that ALL the aunts and uncles blamed the parents.

Great song. I can imagine it in a song circle. Six choruses would work in a song circle. A very tough song to follow.