The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125811   Message #2788634
Posted By: Will Fly
15-Dec-09 - 05:05 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Popular carols 'have folks roots'
Subject: RE: Folklore: Popular carols 'have folks roots'
There are 3 (at least) well-used tunes to "While Shepherds Watched" - the one we learned at school, "Cranbrook" and another whose name escapes me but which I know we'll be singing along with the other two - at our Christmas carol night in the Bull in Ditchling on 22nd.

Coincidentally, another eminent 'Catter told me only the other day that "Cranbrook" was written hundreds of years ago by a cobbler or carpenter or some such in the village of Cranbrook in Kent. It's a great tune.