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Thread #125426   Message #2789088
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
15-Dec-09 - 04:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Hi, ..Was super busy, and couldn't get back as soon as I wanted to..

Great article, which also does not come to any conclusions,..BUT, there is something very interesting, toward the end, that I'll refer to. But First I'll address the questions Amos posed, and in answering them, rather than 'proving a point', which is NOT what I'm trying to do, but rather open up larger avenues of thought, about this and other subjects.
Great answers, as well as art, usually comes up from the 'street'!


1. Do you believe that all homosexuality is based on an individual decision? If not, does it come from a genetic quirk? Something else?"

There's is a huge possibility, that your last choice has the best option,'Something else?'.
If I were to believe the rhetoric, of defensive homosexuals, and their 'champions of political correctness(?)', Then they are in favor of saying that they have no choice...which makes me think that, with that thinking, they are neither given, nor allowed a choice! This is nonsense! Of course they have a do anything they want. I thought 'liberals' were liberal enough to allow them that, and not take it away. Your last illustration in the article mentions just that....but, how do we get there?..Where did this come from, that maybe we haven't explored yet?..I'll propose something a little further down....
Genetic quirk?....Not so much, as something that may have happened as a fetus. T thought the article just lightly touch on a really good thing, but possibly only scratched the surface..,again, I'll try tio tie that together, with the others.

"2. Do you believe lesbians and male homosexuals are suffering from the same syndrome, from the same cause?"

Yes, and no. If we are talking about something going on, in the womb, to those, very very possible. But there are many homosexuals, who were NOT born that way, and 'acquired' that as they grew older. Those, in particular, are far less victims of anything, except their own bitternesses, fears, unforgiveness, and self absorption. That is a different category, as far as CAUSE, than the former, the ones from the womb. In short,, some are born that way, and others are hiding behind that rationalization, though it does not apply to them, in their case....Fair enough?
In regards to lesbians, most of us have heard that SOME women have 'penile envy'.do that make them a lesbian, either latent, or overt? No!....unless its taken too far. If it gets to the point where the woman starts to resent her own femininity, and acts upon it, yes, it would be considered a form of 'latent homosexuality'..much the same as CERTAIN women may dress, competitively for other women, or to 'prove' something to, or impress other women, as a focus. The reasons may vary, but again, when it gets to be an obsession, then it could open the door, to greater manifestations, to 'satisfy' an empty place in her heart.
Then again, there are other reasons that I'd love to share with you, but, I think the point has been made. If you want to go into those further, just ask...without the nasty accusations, or remarks. I think with an open mind, it could be not only fun, but mind-opening. and enlightening.

Amos:"3. Do you think homosexuality is evil?"

This is the question, that caused me to wonder, 'Where are you coming from?", or "Where do you think I'm coming from?"
So, to try to clarify one's perception of 'evil', I'll have to use MY perception, on what I think evil is. On an earlier post, I was rather clear on it, but in case people were only scanning my posts to find something to bitch about, I'll repeat; Most people try to do the right thing, given the choices they have. I mean, like, how many of any of us, set out to make a stupid, wrong decision?..then do it. However, if you make a bad decision, based on the only information you have, and the information was bad, or fraudulent, you still would not be an 'evil' person. That only means, that you were deceived..but tried to make the best decision you could, with what you had to work with. Once you find yourself, discovering that you had made a mistake, then you'd go about making a corrective decision, based on the new info, and again your decision making would be base on making the best decision, to correct, and make good on the final outcome. So, that is not what I consider 'evil', in that context, a child, who has been that way from the womb, is not 'evil'. Remember now, we have two different types. One from the womb, as the article alludes to, and the others, who 'acquired' the tendencies growing up. I'll comment on those, when I get back from an don't draw any pre-mature conclusions to this, till I get back...
.......To Be continued!!!...................Gotta' run,
4. Do you think homosexuality is reversible or curable, in all cases or most cases? If so what do you think such a reversal requires?