The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2790231
Posted By: Bobert
17-Dec-09 - 07:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
The polls are dropping, JtS, becuase the American people are just downright disgusted are the partisanship and it's 90% from the Repubs and the Dems are are too whimpy to go to the American people and lay the blame where it belongs... Instead, they allow The Big Lies to take hold and then The Big Lies become the new reality... Hitler said that people will readiallully believe The Big Lie. Here are just a few Big Lies that have settled nicely into the minds (or lack thereof) of the folks who are being polled:

1. Partisanship is something that both parties are equally quilty ot playing...

2. The Goevernemnt wants to kill you garndma...

3. The Governemnt wants to take over health care...

4. Obama is a socialist...

5. Obama wants to raise *your* taxes...

6. If the health care reform bill is passed the unemployement will go up...

7. etc., etc. etc...

These are all blatent Big Ass Lies but see, the Dems have not been willing to counter them with the force that these Big Ass Lies are being told and so the Big Ass Lies have settled in and one thing about human nature is that once someone has been brainwashed into ***believing*** (not thinking) something then it is very hard to get them to ever again ***Believe*** anything else...

This is why the Dems are screwed... The health insurance lobby has won the minds (or laack thereof) of enough people that "new and improved" Big Ass Lies are now much easier to layer on top of the old ones...
