The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2790755
Posted By: akenaton
17-Dec-09 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Bill ...Homosexual relationships are objectionable mainly due to the health risks which come with homosexual practice.
I dont care in the least what Don T, Don Frith,Lox,Tia,or any of the "feel good sisterhood think of me,and certainly don't worry about them geing "on my case". If I found them in agreement with my opinions, then I would really worry!

I have read all they have to say on all the Homosexual threads, and understand that they see this matter as a political issue.
They have no real interest in Homosexual wefare, or in addressing the obvious health problems encountered by homosexuals.
Their only interest is in winning a political point; and it is a complete waste of time attempting to engage them in any sort of constructive discussion.

Amos... "CIvil rights are civil rights. Medicine is medicine. Health issues are NOT coupled to civil rights of the sort being discussed here."
Completely untrue, close family members of DIFFERENT sexes who "love" one another and wish to marry or even live in a civil union are forbidden to do so by law.....Their rights are infringed due to unspecified "health issues"

And before you cop out by saying that incest is illegal....Most members of this forum remember when homosexuality was illegal.
If homosexuality was still deemed to be illegal by a bunch of corrupt politicians, would you still be saying that you were in favour of "gay" marriage?