The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2790862
Posted By: Bobert
17-Dec-09 - 08:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
Howard Dean and Wendell Potter are right, Bill...

Obama and Harry Reid are wrong... This bill will only insure that the Democratic party's rise to power will be short lived... No, it's better for Obama to go to the American people and tell them that 40 Repubs and 4 of his own Dems derailed progress but that he is going out next year and campaign for folks who will come into Congress and get it right for the American people... That is what he needs to do both from the standpoint of pure politics but also from the standpoint of getting real reform... That won't hurt the Dems or Obama as much as passing this bill and having the Repubs use little bits and pieces of it to campaign against the Dems... Plus, not having it go into effect until after 2012 is falt out dumb from all aspects...

That's what the Dems and Obama should do along with escorting Leiberman to the door... They have nothin' at all to lose here and all to gain... This scenerio is probably the Repubs worst nightmare... Yeah, the Dems going into the '10 election on the heals of the Repubs refusing to step forward to help the American people and the American economy ain't gonna help the Repubs on bit...
