The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2790901
Posted By: Lox
17-Dec-09 - 09:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
"Homosexual relationships are objectionable mainly due to the health risks which come with homosexual practice"


I read a report in todays Metro which claimed that teenage girls these dayds catch an sti in the first two years of bcoming sexually active.

They then go on to catch one every two years after that.

Not much on its own, but when taken in context of the figures showing that teenage girls and young women are the highest demographic who suffer from chlamiydia, ghonnorhea, HPV and syphiliis, it becomes very sad and concerning.

But obviously they aren't anything to worry about regardless of the long term consequences of these infections ... in the case of HPV, it results ultimately in cervical cancer and can never be cured. (HPV is genital warts in case you didn't know)

If Ake blelieved his own argument he would have to admit that the sexual practices of young heterosexual women are also unhealthy according to his logic.

But I'll stop myself there ... because Ake doesn't give a shit about all that.

He has his blinkers on and he is charging forward with his view regardless of wht other evidence is lying around.

He even asked someone earlier on to leave out inconvenient evidence to make the discussion easier for him.

He is posessed by that very special combnation of loathing and fascination that the sun taps into when it puts an article about paedophiles next to pictures of a 15 year old celebrity sunbathing topless on holiday.

Hipocrisy, self satsfied judgemantalism and sleaze are his trademarks - and his preferred targets are ALL vulnerable minorities - immigrants - "tinkers" and homosexuals.

Sorry Ake but you have been so busted on this thread and on others.

But carry on ... your freedom to spew pseudo philosophical prejudicial bile is unhindered her as it always has been.