The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125853   Message #2791184
Posted By: Vic Smith
18-Dec-09 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: Heads up - BBC4 tonight Christmas Folk
Subject: RE: Heads up - BBC4 tonight Christmas Folk
I didn't see the programme - too busy last night singing, dancing, playing for dances and calling dances for others, but I do know - from urgent phone calls seeking replacements - that the day before the final rehearsal with the filming the day after, that the Watersons had to drop out of the programme that was broadcast last night because Norma was indisposed and that the replacement that was being sought was The Copper Family. Obviously, his did not come off, but it certainly would have given the programme a different bent if it had done.
I don't even know for certain who the late replacements were - though I have got a pretty good idea - but what is certain is that at least one of the acts were there at less than a day's notice to prepare for what was probably the biggest exposure that they have had in their careers.

Folk enthusiasts! What are we like? I may think differently after I have seen the programme, but we are given an hour of prime time on a major channel and, from the majority of comments on this thread, we can only moan about it.

We have got to realise that tellyland is a very different place from the folk club. If folk performers are invited into tellyland, they have to play it by tellyland rules.

I worked very hard last night, but I didn't get paid for it. That doesn't stop me being thankful that some top folk perforers did get good exposure and good patment last night.