The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125890   Message #2791844
Posted By: Bonnie Shaljean
19-Dec-09 - 04:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Just a Newbie
Subject: RE: BS: Just a Newbie
Here's a welcome from the south coast of Ireland, wandersong (what a great name). Looking forward to seeing you here.

I love the old songs too - you may already know about this, but in case not, check out the Lester Levy Collection of sheet music:

Melody Lane ( - home page takes a little time to open) is also worth a look, though the site has not been operational for awhile but she's supposed to be re-opening it - sometime. I used to love going there.

There are a number of other sites like that, so search through the past Mudcat threads and you'll find some gems. Welcome aboard!
