The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125890   Message #2791941
Posted By: frogprince
19-Dec-09 - 09:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Just a Newbie
Subject: RE: BS: Just a Newbie
Welcome to the Catbox; I live in Michigan, north of Detroit. I'm just addicted to folk, whether more trad or contemporary singer-songwriter, and I stumbled in here a few years ago looking for a song lyric. I'm not a performer or "known songwriter, though I've written a few songs, so I tend to land in the general B.S. discussions. Try not to panic if you come across some rather inflammatory stuff; a number of fine people who are pillars of the folk tradition hang out here, and even the "unknown" majority runs to very thoughtul folks who are more than worth getting to know.