The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2793280
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
20-Dec-09 - 10:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
"Mr.Snide", is no way to convince your intended reader, that you wish to raise him 'up'(?) to your understanding. Let's do this as a way to bring this to a symbiotic conversation, rather than trying to vindicate ourselves, to be 'recognized', as being 'right'. Truth to tell,most all your points have either been in error, or limited...Fair enough?...No slam or slur intended, in the least,..but WE can do, and BE better than that. The lesbians think they have a corner on being 'right', the male homosexuals think the same, those opposed, think they do, so on and so forth. Those who are, have all the reasons they are, those opposed, do so, because they do not like the effect that they see, and don't like it for one reason or another..both can be 'RIGHT', from their perspective, but, instead of beating each other over the head, UNDERSTANDING, at this point, may be in order....wouldn't you say?..unless all you want, is people to understand, that you should be acknowledged, and worshiped, for your political stand......which has NOTHING TO DO with CAUSE OR EFFECT...its just your political stand..okay? I would rather we talk to each others hearts, and minds, to understand, and to be understood, than play politics, just to placate each other...wouldn't you?
Let's give it a shot....and get somewhere, where others CAN'T!