The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125890   Message #2793916
Posted By: Celtaddict
21-Dec-09 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Just a Newbie
Subject: RE: BS: Just a Newbie
Hi, and welcome, Wandersong29! I am in Connecticut, not a musician (people always ask and I tell them, I don't sing, I sing along, and I don't play, I play with) but a friend years ago explained our role in the folk process: we accumulate, we don't really collect; we don't originate, and mercifully we do not perform. We are carriers. I spend a good deal of time tracking down lyrics and melodies, or whole songs, for singer friends, and taking songs to musicians saying 'listen to this!' and such. Actually my dad's term was procuress.
I fell in on a lyric search years ago and have never left. I typed in a couple of lines from the middle of a song I had heard once, and in about three minutes someone gave me the full song, album, lyrics...I was hooked.