The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2793952
Posted By: Elspeth
21-Dec-09 - 07:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
ok...I know this is going to seem a little bit off topic (seeing as the current topic appears to be verbally kicking the shit out of eachother) but on the healthcare/education side of things: Don't you find the whole obsession with male gay sex quite worrying? What I mean is, in sex ed it get banged on and on and on about...and lesbians don;t even get a mention. Just a thought that if people are going to be educated about the ins and outs of peoples sexual preferences surely it should run across the board? From a purely educational and safe-sex perspective it is surely important to cover all of it? For instance, stop obsessing over condoms for STI prevention in gay and straight sex without so much as mentioning dental dams and suchlike.

Now I know that is somewhat off topic...but it seemed an interesting point to me, and it might be something related to talk about that gets away a bit from the gay men obsession and the personality clashes, at least for a little while.

What are your thoughts?