The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24455   Message #279403
Posted By: SeanM
17-Aug-00 - 02:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Political Demo Convention
Subject: RE: BS: Political Demo Convention
I'm sorry, but as I'm both a Democrat and living in the LA metropolitan area (Long Beach) this kinda gets to me.

What the hell is up with this year? Are these two bozos the best we can do? I see the values that I believed in and supported within the party being minimalized in the all important search for the 'sound bite', and can't believe that any of the two 'parties' are in it for more than corporate goodwill.

I'm damn near 30. I should be heading into the staid predictable period of "things are better for me, so screw you". Instead, I find myself disgusted by the utter disdain that both major parties seem to feel towards the general population.

What happened?

I really wish I knew.