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Thread #125426   Message #2794080
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
22-Dec-09 - 02:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Well, good God! You, (Joe, and even Don), are now sounding like me! My biggest contention was that, yes, it is reversible....and look at all the 'back-biting' that has gone on! ..and Don, you argued adamantly that they couldn't change, and you knew two who had, all along! So, pardon me, if I seemed to get a little,..umm,...irritated at you. So very strongly, you argued on behalf of a lie! Okay, enough said about that(I hope).

Now, to answer Amos,...actually, in light of the post, in which Don claims he knows of two that have, Joe knows one, I posted a link in which a doctor, was, but is not now, and offers therapy to those(Dr. Cohen), I know two ex-homosexual males and three ex-lesbians, plus the last of the article Don posted, I think its safe to say, YES, it is reversible....BUT, what could be the CAUSE, if it is not genetic, but apparently people are, in fact, born that way?.......Let's take a stab at it, because no research, that I know of, has pursued this possibility(read:probability).

Just follow me through this, if you won't hurt!(wink)

Being as the interests of homosexuality are concerns of the 'religious', psychological, scientific, and sociopolitical communities, somewhere lays a bridge of understanding that speaks to all their 'concerns'.

For those born, from the womb, homosexual:
Let's start with some basic facts, that we know...'Energy can neither be created nor destroyed'..right?(Einstein)....So, does that include our own very life force? Perhaps, when that life force, some say 'God'(as the giver of live), some say, the collective conscientiousness, you might argue, a bunch of chemicals re-acting randomly, but somehow, that life begins to take shape, in the womb. That energy, or conscientiousness, grows, and is nourished from the mother, and basically, is one with the mother, or at least certainly attached, right? Whether or not, you want to argue for what it is, or is not, or when in becomes 'a person', as the pro-life, or pro abortion folks do, is not the issue, right now..ok? The fact is, mama's blood is his or her blood, from the same are the electrical impulses, that run the neurological system too. ..Still with me?.. Those are the little impulses that take messages to the receptors in the brain...matter of fact, they help set up the receptors, sorta like programming a hard drive, from one computer to another...ok? So far, simple enough.

When the life's force began, it is a blank slate, as far as we know, unless you want to argue that it came from a collective    conscientiousness, such as what people might consider 'God', but nonetheless, it is a blank slate, not knowing, or even having a concept of right, or wrong, or good, or bad, or up or down, etc, etc.

Now, we have all heard of babies being addicted to certain substances, such as crack, or heroin, or whatever, if the mother was using, during her pregnancy..the child is born already addicted, because the receptors have been chemically set up to need whatever substance the mother was taking...right?

What if she was not taking any substances, BUT she(the mother) was very upset, and/or distraught emotionally. Would that set up, the receptors in the child????...from the neurological impulses she is sending throughout her body???? From all indications (and studies), YES!...Now we're getting somewhere!.....What if>>>>>>>

What if the focus on her being upset/distraught, was the man who impregnated her, justifiably or not,..or just perception, real or imagined(not the issue), or even another man in her life, or just men, in general? It could be a frustration, disappointment, a feeling of self inadequacy, guilt...anything...wouldn't you say those receptors are now getting programmed?..and could inhibit male traits in the fetus' neurological system to be affected?? ..and thereby cause a 'short-out' in other systems being formed, in the child?

Okay, I was going to go on further, but I didn't want to have a giant post. Maybe little doses of new things to consider, and the possibilities of ramifications, set in motion.

If you want, we can expound, and take it deeper, as to the psychological traits, and/or set up, and the 'why's', and inherent outlook that the child is going to be born with, and the frustrations, he may encounter with his father, that develops in the formative years.

But first, we can talk about it INTELLIGENTLY, and calmly, and I'd love to, but not to a crowd of contentious opinionated people. Keep an open mind. Just what I posted here, so far, should give pause to some serious thought...might even break open some new doors of perception. How 'bout it??....Let's get heavy! Ask more if you want more...but let's not argue, let's discover together?


P.S. PBS also had a program, dealing with the same thing, for what its worth.