The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4961   Message #27942
Posted By: Cuilionn
11-May-98 - 01:36 AM
Thread Name: Feedback please
Subject: RE: Feedback please
Thank you for offering folks the chance to step closer to such a clearly heartfelt composition. I concur with much of what's already been thought that came to mind was that slightly rough spots in the song can do two things: they can draw people's attention (either negatively or positively) and they can also lend authenticity to the child-narrator's struggle with communication. I'm a grad student with A.D.D. myself, and worked as my (brilliant, non-verbal, autistic) sister's aide for a number of years. While I don't want this to be some maudlin diatribe or testimonial, I will say that my work with my sister has touched great depths of pain and joy. She's 20 yrs old, and most people still treat her as an infant or an animal simply because she can't communicate "normally." With the help of adaptive computer equipment, she has revealed herself as a stunningly good poet. Her favorite slogan is "not being able to talk doesn't mean you have nothing to say." Sorry...too wordy, I know, but what I really mean to say is that your piece of work--even "unsung" in its current printed form--is something all of us NEED. It opens the way, gracefully, to dialogue. It gives folks a framework of reference that allows them to feel less awkward; an entry point for addressing the underlying issues and "isms." Thanks.

A h-uile beannachd leibh (every blessing go with you)
