The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2794583
Posted By: Lox
22-Dec-09 - 05:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
It isn't bullying .. its ... god - what is it ...

... bloody minded, myopic, fearful, pompous, farcical, absurd, ...

... I can't wait tto read Ake and GfS's research paper on the causes of homosexuality.

I bet there's a big section on bumming.

And another big section on priests and choirboys.

There will be nothing about africa, nor on the sexual health issues of adolescent girls and young women.

There will be a big prologue explaining why all inconvenient evidence has been ignored.

And there will be a post script in which the two authors massage each others egos.

Assertions in Chapter 2 will be backed up by references to the same assetions made in chapter 1.

The asertions in chapter 1 will come with recommended further reading ... (chapter 2) ...

When the whole thing is dismantled piece by piece by a legion of critics, the authors will ignore it and form their own club.

They will stick out their tongues and defiantly announce "well we didn't want to play with you anyway" before mincing off to conduct some more 'research'.

The world will look forward to theiir conclusions wwith eager anticipation.

No one will findd it remotely funny ....

... no really ... they won't ... especially when Ake starts reasserting that paedophiles are just gays who don't have access to grown ups.

... and they'll start to feel sick when he starts describing in lurid detail the scenario that 'disgusts' him the most.