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Thread #125979   Message #2794684
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
22-Dec-09 - 08:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
Subject: RE: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
It all depends on what is meant by "I didn't campaign".

Obviously, being an intelligent man, he hoped that a public option would form part of the reform package, and said so when he was running for president.

But it seems fairly obvious that over the past year Obama has not been going out all guns blazing campaigning for a public option, but has to a large extent sat on his hands.


As for akenaton's comments about there being greedy people around who disfigure and damage the NHS, that's been true since the beginning ("I stuffed their mouths with gold" said Nye Bevan of the consultants), but it doesn't stop the health service being a pretty good operation.

And greed is not exactly noticeable by its absence in the private sector!!! It is hardly surprising that the attitudes generated there rubs off on people in the public and non-profit sectors.