The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24444   Message #279484
Posted By: kendall
17-Aug-00 - 07:37 AM
Thread Name: Rick Fielding is not folk
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding is not folk
I dont understand why people throw out their opinions as fact. "Rick Fielding is a cheap imitation of John Gorka" Almost no one agrees with that, it is not a fact but an opinion.If you wish to make such a statement, put it out for what it opinion. No one can argue with an opinion. The best they can do is offer a different opinion. Example.. In My Opinion.. John Gorka could't carry Rick Fieldings banjo capo. Now, how can you argue? you will not change my mind, you will only piss me off. Is that your intention? Just what IS your intention? Let's deal with the real issue here. Cut the crap.