The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125811   Message #2794930
Posted By: EnglishFolkfan
23-Dec-09 - 08:20 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Popular carols 'have folks roots'
Subject: RE: Folklore: Popular carols 'have folks roots'
I blame the church organist! Way back when the film version of West Side Story came out I was friends with a very young part time London church organist/choirmaster. He used to play Bernstein's WSS tunes in the style of 'churchified' music plus other 'pop' stuff for the intro & exit music to services. Was fantastic sat in the organ loft listening to the compliments on the 'lovely music' from a congregational members who had no idea what it's root were. The Lad in question was a superb young musician.

29 mins into Late Junction BBCR3 last night was Chris Woods and the EAC's lovely arrangement of 'While Shepherds Watched' followed by church bells .... wonderful!