The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125989   Message #2794931
Posted By: maeve
23-Dec-09 - 08:20 AM
Thread Name: Tribulation/ Blessings Maeve & Truelove-off 4 abit
Subject: Tribulation/ Blessings Maeve & Truelove
Dear Mudcat friends,

Now that our families have all been told, my husband and I want you to know that we are safe and surrounded by caring friends. We will not be discussing details in this or any other thread. You are asked to use this thread for expressing your concerns and to join us in celebrating the blessings that are helping us deal with our recent challenge. Please use PMs if you need to ask for more information. This is important.

On Friday night we were awakened by a fire in our beloved old Maine house. It was clear we had to get ourselves to safety, and that is what we did. The house and its contents burned to the ground. We lost everything in the house, but no one was injured though many firefighters from many towns came to help contain a dangerous situation. We give thanks that none of the many brave men and women who protected our property and neighbors was injured in any way.

All of our immediate needs for the short term are taken care of. Your prayers, Private Messages, and friendship will go far to support us as we set our sights on taking care of business, maintaining privacy, and caring for one another. We know that many of you wish to offer help. We suggest that folks consider donating time, goods, or financial support to your local homeless shelter, food bank, fire/ambulance service, Red Cross chapter, etc.

When Truelove and I know what we need we will make that known. In the meantime, there many who are in need of the kind of caring support we have- which has maintained our independence and self-respect. We have been given the multi-faceted blessing of life, and we are being treated as friends being helped by neighbors- we are not victims.

With love and jubilation, Merry Christmas to all.

maeve and her Truelove