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Thread #125979   Message #2795125
Posted By: Little Hawk
23-Dec-09 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
Subject: RE: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
Uh-huh. Possibilities, I suppose. I don't believe for a moment that it's really about Al Qaeda, though. Al-Qaeda's just a convenient excuse for maintaining a perpetual state of war somewhere...anywhere that's handy. It's the same general procedure outlined in George Orwell's "1984"...the maintenance of a perpetual state of war by Oceania (an alliance of Great Britain and North America) in a variety of distant third world places against an indefinable "enemy" who can never be completely defeated and eliminated. Nothing could be more convenient than an enemy like Al Qaeda who can simply be moved wherever the next war is planned and appear magically wherever required, since they do not represent any specific government or nation.

Kind of like fighting international Communism. You can do it anywhere you please. Since the Soviet Union's demise, new international enemies have had to be found to feed the voracious belly of the military-industrial beast, and they were found in very short order. The much bally-hooed international "Peace Dividend" that we were all promised after the fall of the Berlin Wall never came.

If all the Muslims in the world somehow vanished, another new enemy would have to be found to take their place. My guess is that it would be the Chinese and various other orientals, probably, but that would be far less convenient (and far more dangerous) than a mysterious and hidden outfit like Al Qaeda...people who possess little real firepower and very little manpower, but who can be conjured up laughing evilly like Snidely Whiplash whenever it suits the purpose.