The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111326   Message #2795511
Posted By: GUEST,Mark Menhinick
24-Dec-09 - 06:28 AM
Thread Name: John Runge - need biographical information
Subject: RE: John Runge - need biographical information
I worked with John Runge at St George's School in Rome from 1973 until his retirement in about 1978. He was Head of Science and taught physics, but he put immense energy into forming, training and directing the St George's School Men and Boys Choir, which had quite a large repertoire of English and Italian sacred music and madrigals. John also sang in and directed trios and quartets - sometimes accompanying on the guitar - catches, madrigals and burlesque and even bawdy songs from the Middle Ages to Arthur Sullivan. I have an "unofficial" recording of John, Gerry Firth, who also taught at St George's, and myself - made with the help of several bottles of wine - in about 1976.
From what he told me about his wartime experiences, John must have been involved in the Ultra intelligence network commanding a Y station; and he witnessed the bombing of the monastery at Monte Cassino. One of his last journeys before he died was to re-visit Siwa oasis, but he never said why it was important to him.
When I knew him, John was married to Emily, an American from - I think - Virginia; John had worked for a time in Richmomd. After St George's, he worked at Sevenoaks school and lived in a beautiful house overlooking the Kentish weald.
John was a lovely man and a charming and entertaining friend; his many and varied talents never ceased to surprise us.