The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125979   Message #2795560
Posted By: Bobert
24-Dec-09 - 08:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
Subject: RE: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
Well, to be fair... Look, folks, it's politics... The right wing also happens to be the loudspeakers for the corporations and the corporations have corraled all the wealth in the country so they use their stockpiles of money to hire/support all kinds of right winged think tanks that hire people that do nothin' but go to work every day and scour the newspapers and other sources for stuff to make Obama look bad... That, believe it or not, is al these people are hired to do??? And they do it well... I mean, if they don't then the 4righties will find someone else to dig deeper...

It reminds me of a college professor I had... I think it was biology but I wpouldn't swear to it... Anyway, there are these micro-organisms that live on our skin... Blown up under a microscope they look like stuff outtta Star wars... Purdy ugly sumabiches... Anyway, the point is if you were to take any person you know and remove everything but these nasty critters and that was all you could see you would still clearly recognize the Joe, or Jill or even Marylin Monroe... The point is that under a microscope things aren't quite as pretty and if you dig and dig and dig, sho nuff, this is what you find... Alot of little micro-organisms...

I mean, lets get real here for one minute... Obama ain't blown a million people like Bush did and that don't take no microscope to see...

You Obama haters have at it... Yer really looking quite foolish here... Like who cares about a public option compared to tax cuts to the wealthy which crippled the US economy or the bombing of kids???

I mean, let's keep some level of perspective here, folks...
