The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125979   Message #2795844
Posted By: DougR
24-Dec-09 - 03:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
Subject: RE: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
Carol: I'm beginning to believe that you wouldn't recognize a "fact" if one jumped up and smacked you in the face!

Can you deny that Obama made the promises I and BB accuse him of lying about? Another one: "I will not sign future bills into law if they are loaded with pork." What a laugh. Check the pork in the so-called stimulus bill (that has stimulated nothing!) Check the soon to be law health care overhaul bill. Of course I guess many of you see nothing wrong with buying votes as Harry Reid did. I didn't hear Obama proclaim that he wouldn't sign a bill with such shenanigans in it. Quite to the contrary, he would sign it if the bill required him to send Michele back to Chicago for the duration of his term in office.

McGrath: your question about whether or not passage of the bill would mean that some people would lose the health insurance they have now. Damn right it will. Ask any senior citizen of which there are hundreds of thousands (perhaps millions) who have Medicare Advantage if they are going to get to keep their plan. Unless you live in Florida you WON'T! Harry Reid bought Senator Nelson's vote (of Florida)by allowing folks who reside in that state who are on Medicare Advantage to keep their insurance but those who have the plan in all other states are SOL.
