The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126014   Message #2795923
Posted By: akenaton
24-Dec-09 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death of the Democratic Party?
Subject: RE: BS: Death of the Democratic Party?
Come on Carol, what's happened to all the enthusiasm for Mr Obama,
Didn't I say he was just another Blair?

Hawk's right, Obama only has the amount of rope that his masters decide he should have.
Its all about retaining power.....nothing to do with change

"Change" has to be fought for, and no party hack is gonna bring it about.....either in the US or the UK.

Mrs Palin looks like she has enough guts....and balls to stand up to her masters, if she can take the people with her. Before we sort out the details, there's a job to be done dismantling the mess both parties have created.
Were all sick of political weasels who talk the talk...what about a bit of action!