The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125998   Message #2796183
Posted By: Jim Carroll
25-Dec-09 - 07:18 AM
Thread Name: the UK folk revival in 2010
Subject: RE: the UK folk revival in 2010
"however so debased the word."
I've got bad news and I've got bad news.
We've got the research; we've got the documentation, we've got the recorded (aural and literal) proof in exaples and analysis, and in our case (Pat's and mine) we've got thirty odd years fairly intensive field research.
None of this makes anybody automatically right and is open to discussion, but in order to so, you need to produce your own work rather sitting in your armchair pontificating.
You've already said you 'don't do research', but I'm afraid if you are ever going to produce anything other than hot air it's a case of: "Io Io Io" it's off to work you must go.
Jim Carroll