The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125979   Message #2796325
Posted By: Peter T.
25-Dec-09 - 02:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
Subject: RE: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
Oh great, so apart from lying, Obama turns out to be a lying weasel. A real role model.

I am still waiting for a right-wing answer to the question: how do you propose to bring reasonable health care to every American? So far as I have read, there is no answer. The business-as-usual approach is a disaster. Anyone who has read the ridiculous Republican plan (made up for pr reasons) knows that it is a sham. So the only really available answer is: we don't care, we already have health care, we are rich. Is this an ethical position?

The mystery is why Obama doesn't seem to want to pin this tail on the elephant. He lets the right wing attack what he does, and never really attacks back. He says a few unkind things about the insurance industry, but where is the full-throated assault on the heartless failure of the Republican political universe to cope with these huge challenges? In some ways, Obama -- contrary to the original image -- may be a great politician behind closed doors, but a complete loss as a street politician. Where's Huey Long? How this is supposed to get him a super-majority in the fall elections coming up is a mystery.

Peter T.


Peter T.