The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126014   Message #2796573
Posted By: akenaton
26-Dec-09 - 06:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Death of the Democratic Party?
Subject: RE: BS: Death of the Democratic Party?
Anyway my real point is that there's no EASY or painless way to effect REAL change.....anyone who thinks there is, is kidding themselves.

Encouraging people to dedicate their lives to work in the pursuit of some never never land in the future is likely to be treated as a joke.....thats been tried and failed.
People want a life of their own, a little happiness and freedom.....thats where all the 'isms of the left break down.

First get someone with universal appeal to lead.....not an intellectual.....If your man or woman is true, the people will mould and change them.....carry them as an inspiration to all.

Why do you think Fidel has lasted so long in Cuba?

One thing is cetain, "democracy" is only a word and a word that has been used to justify more death and persecution than any just doesn't work, and we have been manipulated into believing it can provide freedom and happiness for too long.

"Democracy" encourages us to strive for ever "better" living standards, when we all know these standards are unsustainable.
We must go back to the old non- consumerist ways of achieving happiness and true freedom will follow.